Existence 4- Living

4- Living

Life is a set of actions: Instinct-based and conscious-based actions.

Primitive life, without consciousness, doesn’t contain knowledge but is full of instinct-based actions including eating, sleeping and mating.

Making conscious-based actions including planning, making decisions, practicing , discipline and creating systems requires knowledge.


You may ask, isn’t pure knowledge the same as consciousness?

Consciousness tells us there is an ocean with hidden treasures and knowledge helps us to develop tools or to learn skills and it enables us to go deep down in the ocean and explore. Pure consciousness tells us there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel, pure knowledge makes plans and applies required actions to get there.

Consciousness has different levels so is knowledge. Pure consciousness brings certainty whilst pure knowledge brings assurance– it provides a reliable vessel which will take us to our destination.


Only conscious creatures decide to take action or become passive and do nothing.

Life with no actions is a swamp, it becomes smelly and attracts specific breeds of creatures around itself.

Life with actions and no knowledge or only with perceptual knowledge turns one to become a blindfolded follower, a consumer.
That life is like a struggle, constantly running without knowing why, it is like being an untrained boxer in the ring who is throwing aimless punches.

Life combined actions with learned knowledge is progressive, is the life of leaders, though those with the learned knowledge create a food chain, a hierarchy of commands and line of titles. Hence, again there is a struggle unless they use the learned knowledge to lead them to pure knowledge.

Life derived by pure knowledge is like a well trained boxer with a knockout punch at the right moment. Spot on and accurate without any waste of energy.
Pure knowledge leads to recognition of the resources, potentials and available opportunities. People with wisdom are those who create opportunities not only for themselves but also for others. They don’t compete with others but share and their life is  pure joy.

This is the specification of life with wisdom: Sustainable happiness, love and freedom. That is the dream destination. But it will be real for those who make it.


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