woman standing in front of book shelf

Path to purchase

When trying to sell your book and developing a marketing plan, you need to think about the "path to purchase". This is the journey your reader takes when buying your book ... Read More
white and black laptop

How to get an author website

What does getting a webpage involve? This is our guide to the basics and how to set yourself up for free ... Read More
fountain pen

Do I need to use a pen name?

Using a pen name is optional but can be useful in certain circumstances. This is our guide to choosing a good one ... Read More


Writing competitions are a way to win money as well as promote your brand as an author ... Read More


Getting reviews is a labour intensive process, but absolutely vital if you want your book to sell. The good news is that there are some commercial book review services you can use ... Read More
Author Profile Sites

Author Profile Sites

A very important part of marketing your work is to build author profiles on key sites. This takes quite a bit of work, but will help readers find you and connect with you ... Read More

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