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FREE Online Self-Publishing course

Writer and self-publishing expert Andrew Akratos from Self Publishing Sydney is running a free 12-week course on self publishing via MeetUp and Zoom on Wednesday nights at 7.30-8.30pm.

Tonight’s session was an introductory session so all the information still awaits – you haven’t missed out if you join now!

In the introductory session, Andrew looked in depth at the reasons people want to publish and the different options available. His recommended scenario – which is also what we endorse at SelfPubAus – is a highly flexible, pick-and-choose model where an author can select what professional services they need, and DIY those they feel capable of doing themselves.

Next week’s (Wednesday 13 May 2020) session is titled Planning your publishing path followed by Imprint: Protecting your rights on Wednesday 20 May 2020. Future weeks cover everything from editing and cover design to print-on-demand and audiobooks.

The course is highly recommended for all prospective self-publishers, as well as authors who still want to go the traditional route but want to know what’s involved.

One really important point Andrew made: whether you’re traditionally published or self-publishing, you need to do your own marketing and self-promotion these days.