A Feast at My Ancestral Castle

A Feast at My Ancestral Castle

Ladies and gentlemen, My dearest friends,
My beloved tribe,

We are all gathered here, at my ancestral castle to celebrate the wholeness of life, power and eternity.

From the ancient manuscript etched in our soul, I read out loud for you all:
“Power only presents itself in a fraction of a second. At the moment it exerts itself; before or after, it’s only a deception.”

Potential is not power, only a shadow.

When an earthquake occurs, that’s when you truly understand the meaning of power.

Potential has nothing to do with power.

Everyone has potential, a shadow.

Shadow or the object creates the shadow, which one am I?

And a lot of us submit to others because of the fears caused by the deceit of a shadow of a monster on the wall and not to the real power or a real danger.

And you may ask, how can I have power? And what is it about, to create danger?

By owning the moment I have in hand, my feelings, and my interactions with myself and my surroundings at times of potency – [DECISIONS ].

The rest of life could be regret [past] and fantasy [future] if play it unwise.

A man’s life is the product of their DECISIONS, decisions are like the hills and mountains. Some create breathtaking scenery, some create fear. Some are easy hikes and some are a challenge.
To see the power of a man, count the number of mountains in their land.

But a worthy life is not relying on power, but CHOICES. To choose to make a decision or stay still.

An open field full of wild flowers in colours and shades, and a stand alone tree-a home of flying birds is not lesser than the Himalayas range.
A still flat lake of Zrebar, a home of thousands of fish with an icy surface full of reflection of moments, wouldn’t be sold cheaper than Mt Blanc.

A sad miserable life, is when one reaches the gate, no fantasy ahead, only fog and when looks back, sees nothing but regrets.

We all must pick, everyone must choose. We all have options. That’s the man’s damnation. The only difference between a loser and a winner is taking responsibility for our choices. A sad loser is the one who is looking for excuses.

A life is full of options. A choice between a ripe and green orange. Fruit flies don’t choose, they only go for the ripe ones.
And above that, life is full of moments, moments of creating tsunami-like waves or a mountain range like Alborz or simply embrace stillness.”

Waiters! Please pour the wine, straight out of the ancient cellar, a blend of vintage awareness!

I’d like to propose a toast to the life full of CHOICES, and pray for a strength to stand by them and DECISIONS serving humanity and not vanity.

To Life, Choices, Decisions.




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