Category: Authors

I Hacked It!

I Hacked It! I think I have unveiled a sad- or maybe a happy secret today! Science, religions, faith, yoga, and meditation and cults or belief systems are only some tools to reduce our pain and suffering. We are on this planet for a short while and because of the power of thoughts, we have…

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The New Year’s Prayer

The New Year’s Prayer I am not awaiting for a reward but a sign. The devil is not a person or a thing but a phenomenon. Absolute existence is God and whatever causes distraction from Asha ( the wisdom of the universe ) and being Good and  doing Good (thoughts, words and deed), is the devil…

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An Apology

An Apology I apologise for not knowing. I am sorry if I am sincere. Huxley and Orwell, the architects Designed the state, the new world, bravely and subtly. The world of fully engineered interactions. Pets are not God creations anymore but mankind’s, And neither Humans. We don’t know what’s right and what’s wrong Only what…

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Reinvention Reinvention is like renovation, you don’t demolish and build again, but make the best use of what exists and add new features and modules for more comfort or pleasure. I know there is good in this world, in fact lots of it and I want to surround myself with good. When life all becomes…

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It Never Rests.

It Never Rests The ocean never rests. Wooooo-shhhhh Wooooo-shhhhh It delivers the waves safe and sound without any rest. And it never gets tired. Your heart never rests either. Pooom-taam Pooom-taam It’s a mystic ocean full of danger, mysteries and excitement. I want to feel safe there; To let myself in the hands of wild…

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Strangers A touristy place is where a lot of tourists come and go. The place is very busy but still a very lonely place to be. It is full of fake smiles and shallow joys, full of strangers, where all hearts are estranged to each other. Strangers come and go and there are always NEW…

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Seeing Is Not Seeking!

Seeing Is Not Seeking! Seeing is not seeking! Stop seeking! When seeking for a younger and prettier self in that mirror, you won’t find it, because Seeing is not seeking. And you must stop seeking. When looking for a perfect soulmate, for one comes to settle you down the one who raises your heartrate and…

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The Transformation

The Transformation When I was a child my motto was ” I don’t wish but I want that’s why I try.” When I was an adolescent, I wrote ” life of desires creates a driving force and brings abundance.” And now I say, ” Wanting make us poor, independence brings freedom and hope and expectations…

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