Don’t Judge Me

Don’t Judge Me!

Once upon a time,
There was a piece of paper
And some useless pencils,

And there was a child,
With limited imagination,
Holding a pencil without direction.

Sketches and doodles,
Pointless and meaningless
The twisted lines and spirals.

Once, a teacher appears,
Stands tall and clear.
Holds the hand with no fear.

The lines become clearer,
When the guide is here,
A shape becomes prettier.

Not the shapes nor the master,
Didn’t come out from a hamster.
A little tale is about to foster.

Let’s  not judge me,
Don’t judge yourself;
You don’t know how we’ve appeared!

A story of 160 thousand years,
Intertwined into a double helix, a rosary of colourful beads.
The rosary of existence. Everyone has one for sure!

Life is a reflection in a crystal ball,
In the hands of observant eyes.
Tells the story of the rosary, the blue print,

Logic is the guide,
The wise whisperer,
Holds the firm line.

The logic is simple,
Everyone has parents,
And the parents have parents!

Undoubtedly, we were in the cave one day,
Naked, cold and not-savvy,
Equal, tugged in and in synchrony.

Don’t judge me,
Don’t judge yourself;
You don’t know much about who we are!

The rosary is ready to be read,
The uncountable blocks of experience,
The unimaginable numbers of lives.

The colourful twisted spirals,
Hold all those stories untold,
About the past fulfilled lives or the wasted crimes.

Alas! The futile pride for the written history,
Whilst it is not longer than a second,
In the age of an ancient coloured rosary.

The crystal ball shows,
I was a peasant one day, you were a queen those days,
But who really cares?

Whom we’ve become today,
Is what we squeeze out,
From the bottle of the magical potion.

Every move is a colourful bead,
Every rise or fall, delight or grieve,
Makes the rosary grow and breed.

No life without the past exists.
The past is only a teacher and guide,
And not a trophy to make us proud.

If the past makes you presentable today,
Keep it up and add the same beads,
To the rosary of existence. Everyone has one for sure!

If you are the cause of the pain,
It’s time to meet the beast,
To make the west to see the east.

We suffer the most when living with the beast.
And today is a new breeze.
The time to amend the ancient disease.

The double helix, the rosary,
Spins around,grows and grows,
With the colourful marble balls.

The rosary of life,
Is getting longer and longer,
And nothing makes it linger.

So don’t judge me!
Don’t judge yourself! We’re a story,
Nothing to gloat, only to ponder.

The rosary grows and grows,
And we are only petit contributors,
The rosary will be passed on, so is the crystal ball.

Crime is black so is greed and hatred.
Love is red and benevolence is white
Kindness is pure, contentment: bright.

Some think of their inheritance,
So trade a ruby on a crown
With the priceless marbles, so called life.

Pity they forget,
We are only petit contributors,
The rosary will be passed on, so is the crystal ball.

What remains, is the rosary of grains.
And alas,they don’t know.
No real sovereignty and no real throne!

The best inheritance nothing but the shinning rosary.
Live life and thrive, not waste the ride and cry.
And abdicate the throne for the next in line.


Edited 23/05/2024

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