Harmonious Peace

Harmony or Peace?

If peace was the purpose of life, animals and the food chain were never formed.

Harmony perhaps is but not peace.
Harmony is the product of man’s journey while peace is only a transient stage. You can’t find a sea without a storm.

No absolute stillness in this world. Even the stillworld moves, but in a different form, I can feel the vibration. The volcano is about to erupt.

Don’t even think of resting as stillness. Rest is the process of recovery, it’s another type of movement. Laziness is a self-sabotage. A deliberate action of resistance.

We all have to move, we must learn, learn to fight, move to survive and that costs, and laziness costs even more. We all must pay the price, hence the granted peace is only a myth until we are allowed to return to heaven again.

And where is heaven? Heaven is where all the debts are cleared. The lessons are learnt and costs are paid. Where the harmonious peace is the language of the beasts.


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