History of Slavery

History of Slavery

I have never been a slave*, I won’t become one and I won’t enslave either. Because I am a free man.

I am breaking the habits, because the little insecure self, wants to control. That’s the nature of controllers. Being little and ambitious.

We are as infinite as the universe, God, or as limited as self.
When consciousness is focused on self and becomes proud, it’s when we are falling out of heaven.

We always have a choice.

Salvation is when self becomes a vessel and not the captain and explore the limitations and unknowns. Knowledge is.




* There are colourful serpents:
Academic institutions , medical systems, religious institutions and financial institutions, once you are bitten by any of them, escape would be difficult if not impossible.
Media, banks and the insurance companies are providing golden chains to keep the modern slaves in order.


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