Jaguar and Fawn

Jaguar and Fawn

A hungry black jaguar, resting on a branch, crying out loud for yearning for a musk doe:

Oh my love, I’d like to chase your vibrating scent, and follow you to the darkest forest where your glowing eyes are my only guide.

When you move, even the wind stops; watching you. Your desirable muscular hind legs are the cause of a tornado and your cloven hooves are fire makers when they tap dance on any rocks.

Oh my dear, the back of your neck’s fur is smoother than any Persian rugs, I’d like to lie next to you, and brush your back with my gentle claws…

A lost fawn was passing by and was heard the cry,
She paused and searched for the source of the pleasant love song.

In just a matter of seconds, she felt the sharp teeth around her throat and she realised the trouble she was in. She couldn’t breathe, at her final breath she remembered her mum’s story about the love song of a hungry jaguar. When the instincts are the masters, love is only a servant.
In the world of animals, love and truth are the ying and instincts and tricks are the yang.
She remembered her mum told her, jaguars don’t like deads, they like to tear their hunt while they’re kicking.
So she stopped struggling. And pretended dead.

When jaguar didn’t feel any struggle, paused and let go of her neck to see what was going on. Once he let go, she jumped and ran as quickly as possible. Even the wind couldn’t chase her. When the hungry jaguar realised the prey tricked him, he jumped on his feet to chase her.
Indeed, She was following the path towards the dark forest!
It was intimidating; the wander in the world of unknowns.

He remembered what his dad told him once about laziness and priorities:

If you decide to be lazy and want your food to come to you, you won’t get the best ones, you either get the sick ones or the unpalatable ones, if you get any.
If you are hungry only focus on getting the food first. Don’t mix up your priorities. If you are chasing a buffalo don’t get distracted with a sophisticated doe drinking next to you. If you divide your energy you go home empty handed.

What’s the point of lessons if we don’t remember them on the spot he pondered?

Reading , hearing or knowing a lesson is not the same as learning a lesson. If you want to make a use of a lesson, you must master it. And to master, you require a mentor, a master to serve.

Tonight, the hungry jaguar will remain hungry. Our gorgeous fawn definitely learnt her lesson, love stories are pretty but hardly mean anything and sometimes they cause you harm.
And did the jaguar learn his lesson? Only if his laziness is obsolete. Time will tell.



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