Joyous Ride

A Day of Joyous Ride

It was dawn, a pink and golden dawn.

She was holding two pomegranates, the pointy ones and had a large strawberry in her mouth, a juicy one, and carrying an abundant wheatfield on her shoulder, when she jumped on a saddle-less horse.

The horse was trotting through the meadows, alongside a river where milk and honey flowed.
The sound of whistling wind echoed in the middle of the plain full of flowers. The scentful air of lavender roses and cinnamon, filled the lungs.

The horse was galloping on the mountainside briskly, heading towards the peak, she was as light as a ball of cotton rising on the saddle-less horse and laughing loudly.

The view was insane.
A ripe peach was bouncing in the air when the wind was dancing in the wheatfield. And a colourful mysterious snake was hissing in the meadow.

To reach the summit she had to go through a narrow passage, her horse slowed down. Walked gently.
Till she faced a waterfall. She paused in front of it.
In a cloudless sky, a storm was on its way. Lightening struck and a thunder roared. The storm was imminent.
What an extraordinary waterfall, it was where the waterfall and the spring met. The water was flowing like milk and honey, rich and strong.

The ocean was on the horizon. The sun was conceived in the belly of the sky, wrapped in the velvet of the ocean.

The air was full of salt. And still the scent of lavender, rose and cinnamon were smelled. Rain had fallen and the storm had been crossed.

Everywhere was so calm and quiet.

What a remarkable day was the day of the joyous ride.



Awaiting my parents departure, in the queue for checking in, at the Sydney airport. 4am

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