Existence 2- Levels of Consciousness

2- Levels of Consciousness

The world is the reflection of God.
God wanted to share the joy with some of his creations and he chose mankind and blessed them with the essence of consciousness and also promised the pure consciousness for those who earn it.

The essence of consciousness is like a narrow opening in the rocks in the middle of a mountain. Once you get inside, it becomes wider and you’ll see different rooms and corridors ending to a lake. Pure consciousness is tasting the droplets of a waterfall, dropping to the deep enclosed lake.

The essence of consciousness starts with recognition of self and beauty. Perhaps this level is where Adam and Eve belong. Right near the entrance.
Selfishness is the specification of the first layer.
Desire for sexual partners as love occurs here. At this level man noticed itself as a self and looked up to the sky and recognised the untaught beauty for the first-time.

Then logic and thinking opens a new room in addition to the first corridor.
Desire for companionship occurs here. Sharing, caring for others, altruism and friendship are the specifications of this level.

Then creativity and problem solving adds another room to the basic consciousness.
Inventions and the commercial art happen here as well as the desire for power, control and war. This room can be dangerous. People in this room consider themselves as the smartest and they can be very cruel but also creative enough to justify it.

From the entry point of consciousness up to here, the growth of the intelligence  quotient (IQ) in relation to the social status is ascending.

Artists, scientists, philosophers, CEOs, politicians and whoever is considered as successful, as well as man-made systems including religions, educational systems, financial systems, political systems and all ISMs, are happening up to here.  Not many people can arrive at this level, and it is not necessary to mention that only a handful can or want to make it to the next room.

With the aid of creative consciousness, up to this level, those who want to be in charge, create amusement parks for others, and most of people are tangled up there in playing the vapoury games and they seem quite satisfied or they are simply busy with the variety of the rides. A lot of people don’t have any desire to leave this room. Though all rooms and corridors are connected. Here, life is very colourful. Temptations, concerns and ambitions are very high and competition among the cohort is even higher. That’s why this room is dangerous. It’s extremely  addictive. And of course, no pity on those who want to be here. We are created free and we have been granted the options. We are all the products of our decisions. 


From this point upward, consciousness gradually reaches its purity and its higher form. This is the entrance to the enclosed lake.

The pure consciousness has nothing to do with IQ nor to the social status.

Desire for knowing and wisdom are the specifications of this level. It’s when one becomes all eye, ear, heart and brain, he becomes fully sensing and feeling. The holistic being is a unity between atoms, molecules , cells, organs and self. Yoga, Tai chi and meditation were found by whom reached here, to the level of recognition:

Recognition of art.
Recognition of love.
Recognition of freedom.

You see true teachers and pure creators* here.

Next and final stop is transcendence,when one reaches to the waterfall. This is where BECOMING occurs:

Becoming love.
Becoming freedom.
Becoming happy and content.

Reaching to the droplets is one thing and tasting it, is something else. Sipping the droplets requires bravery, courage and selflessness. Once you taste that, your life will never be the same again.

The transformation  occurs when one becomes the knowledge himself, becomes the wisdom which leads to  pure consciousness. That brings the ultimate independence.

At this level, one doesn’t have a request for superpower** but BECOMES pure knowledge. Nothing is seen as supernatural under light of pure knowledge. You don’t want to change the world, you don’t want to turn a piece of metal to gold. You are nothing but acceptance, you don’t struggle and don’t suffer. You only are.

That’s where you don’t become proud of your discovery, you don’t go to the prison for your opinion, you don’t kill others to prove your point, you don’t create a cult or you don’t want to influence others. There is no righteousness and no folly. No holy and no blasphemy. You don’t preach, you don’t write and you only simply are while sharing the joy of being with Him.

We don’t know anyone there. You never become famous at this level but invisible. You don’t have a mentor or a guide, neither someone to compare yourself with. You only know you get there when you get there. 

God created a system and blessed us with the tools. He doesn’t babysit. And man created systems for himself to use and abuse, some in harmony with nature and some are purely selfish. When and if you get there, you don’t fight man-made systems, you don’t play them either, you don’t endanger your life, because you know thus, you only float.

We are social but our journey is individual. The journey starts from seeing self and it ends too see everything but self. You are on your own. You only know you get there only when you get there. 

We left the cave*** with the aid of consciousness and then we patch our path back to the Cave.  What a journey! And to many, what a wasteful journey! And then again only fools fall for homonyms.

In our world where are you? Not where you want to be, but where exactly do you belong to? If you know the answer, then you realise why our world is like this. Don’t look for someone to blame, look who you are first.



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This text has been written as a conversation and contemplation between the author and himself.


*Pure creators are those who don’t expect profit from their work. Creativity is a privilege, containing it is the biggest profit for the container.

**God is pure knowledge. Expecting the superpower comes from the lack of knowledge.

***The Cave compare to the other cave we used to dwell could be much darker and colder and even intimidating for most of us. A lot of us wouldn’t go as far as the entrance.