Loneliness, Lowliness, Emptiness

Loneliness, Lowliness, Emptiness

We are all, fragments of a shattered mirror, scattered in the world. We all can reflect and on special occasions can shine. Some of us are looking for a piece that heals its broken edges -bandaid and not a cure- while we forget we are only fragments of a shattered mirror.
Loneliness is causing self doubt leading to lowliness and emptiness, but sometimes it is not because of the damaged relationship within the adjacent circles [ Reference to Asha, and the Universe of Concentric Circles] but about the loss of connection with self and I would say it’s most likely because of the loss of purpose! A survivor never feels lonely since his aim is to subsist.
A broken heart has lost its purpose to live so is a corporate lawyer who does the same job over 20 years. The outcome of the loss of the connection [ loneliness ] for both is the same: Emptiness and Lowliness.
Those who feel lonely, are the lost souls who don’t know how to be the best of themselves, how to reconnect with themselves as they always search for a reason to live externally. Maybe that’s why they feel trapped as a big fish in a small tank, or a succulent in a rainforest.

A fragment of a shattered mirror, with uneven edges, is looking for a completion, one piece can fit perfectly on its left side but its right side is aching for completion too and when it finds a part for the right side , the top side is crying.

A survivor is the one who fights with nails and teeth to live. Sometimes, the gap between life and death is very thin- where one lives but life is occupied by the darkness of death.

I died on the day I ceased learning!

Learning is hard and sometimes it is very painful and so is healing. No one can learn without discovering their own ignorance, no one can heal without a wound. Getting wounded, is not weak, but being fragile, as we all are, remember the mirror? Healing is a crucial and fundamental part of surviving. An unwounded lioness is the one who never gets to a fight, and a lioness who doesn’t get to a fight is a dead one! And once wounded, she can’t fight forever, she has to find a little shelter to heal first, and that aloofness is needed for survival. Both healing and learning require mental and physical capacity in full.

The final growth is when the broken piece realises there is another way to live, to soften up all the uneven edges of the broken mirror, and become an edgeless mirror itself.

In a progressive life, you need to be a real survivor to grow. Life without growth is an UNTIMELY DEATH while growth stretches life to eternity. It brings self connection and confidence that’s where you can embrace Love, Freedom and Happiness- The Triangle of Transcendence.

Perhaps continuous learning is the key to happiness and the enemy of loneliness?
Perhaps I have found a cure for loneliness?
Perhaps a real survivor doesn’t forget!


Edited 17/07/2024


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