Nuance of Love Languages

Nuance of The Love Languages!

She made herself comfortable in his arms and asked enthusiastically:

Am I the love of your life?

He replied calmly while his eyes followed the rays of the setting sun:


She lifted herself on her arm and looked at him with shock :


He smiled and said:

Calm down!
Love was a little grain when I found it. It wasn’t found by rummaging in the rubble, it was inside me.
I was a swamp before, but I realised I had to become an ocean, as nothing is found in still water but the mosquitos; the water-lilies are only a cover for the swamp’s smelly water, a perfume on a corpse! But when one becomes an ocean, it becomes limitless, water is flowing, and life is there, maybe the treasures too. I dived-in to discover my world within. And this little grain was hidden somewhere dark and unknown.
Once I had it, I knew it was not something to be handled easily but with care.
It’s not guaranteed this little grain grows to a ruby or a diamond, it could stay a little grain forever or even turn to dirt and disappear in the hands of a careless child.

I had to look after it by being grateful and caring for myself and my surroundings, no judgement and no selection. The secret was to be patient, available and create space.

Love feels and glitters differently in different people.

My gem is warm and shining.
When I am dark and sad, it brings hope and light.
When I am overjoyed or stressed, it brings peace and certainty.

My gem, holds the light for me.

Love is not dependent.

When love comes from the outside, it will fade away one-day.
And it’s not love anyway, it’s infatuation, lust!

But once one goes for a search for their gem in their own ocean or their own forest or universe, if they find it, it will never go away.

She was also looking at the horizon,where the day was slaughtered as her enthusiasm, but she wanted to hide her feelings by asking:

If one goes for the search, is there a promise to find a gem?

He said:

Not everyone is blessed with that gem.
Love requires an appropriate container, not everyone is a vessel!
But the search will definitely be rewarded.
Maybe that seeker is a vessel for kindness, wisdom and bravery, patience, peace or liberty.

She was annoyed, clearly annoyed by his annoying answers. She asked miffed:

So who am I? Do you care about me at all? Do you love me at all?

He replied warmly and with a big smile as if the sun was still there:

Of course I do, the same as I love the birds who  sing for us in the morning, the same as the wind brushes your hair, the same as…

Night had already covered the scene of its battle with the day with its silver- blue velvet cloak when she shouted:

Honestly? After all these years, am I the same as a bird or the wind for you?

Obviously, he was in a different world, he couldn’t or didn’t want to understand why she was so irritated. He carried on as if he wasn’t interrupted:

You asked me who you were for me.

You are my functioning cog, who brings extra functionality to my being. The only functioning cog. The world is full of the cogs, different shapes and different sizes, you were the only one who could fit into my world and make me functional. I was a useless gear before, you have changed my purpose of being, we are a team now, we can do many things we couldn’t do before on our own.

I am a vessel for the love that I have discovered and you are engulfed by all my love but, you are not my love as no one could be. Because love can’t be found outside.

She wasn’t happy with his answers. Her crying , not crying but screaming ego needed to be patted. Her vanity was hurt.

He looked at her sad eyes and noticed her pain, it wasn’t what he wanted:

Finding love is a blessing but receiving it is a gift, you are engulfed by my love and it’s not enough. Gratitude is the root of happiness. You are the only one who could transform me to this level, you made me find love, you brought the sparks and I made a fire with them…

The sky was full of glittering stars, she was relieved, it wasn’t the first time she had this tantrum, but she always wanted to hear the end bit, her eyes were bright again, she smiled and said:

You are such a tease! Why you didn’t say it at first?

A shooting star was passing when he smiled back and said:

Because I am hopeful you get to see all these for yourself one day. Learning, can be painful sometimes. I love you.
