Seducing Sisters

Seducing Sisters

And hope is the mysterious vicious deceptive destructive force! Dear Lord,condemn it to eternal death.

Hope and expectations are two sisters who are the thieves stealing the pleasure and the joy of each breath in an exchange for the unknown tomorrow full of promises.

They could bring a new level to the ride, when the sun is shining and all the cogs are in good nick while they don’t imprison love and happiness.

But the life of sad miserable sods plotted on promises in the dreamland is on the rotten bridge leading by the two sisters towards misery, if it is not already falling apart in the middle of the way.

Dear Lord, take away the seducing sisters from me, put them in the lock and chain and don’t ever let them near me. I don’t need hope to prosper, I don’t need expectations to love, I only need a vision to live.



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