That Uncertainty…

That Uncertainty Is Worse Than Ignorance!

When one is shown the love but he still is not certain,
That uncertainty is worse than ignorance.

One who doesn’t know,
Knows nothing any better.

Asha, is the bottle full of wisdom
Filled in with the milk of love by God himself.

The baby who drinks of that bottle
Will never be thirsty again.

Following instincts is not Asha.
Having the cow milk instead of the mum’s.

When, one sees the light and wanders in the darkness,
Will be in the worst of the miseries: The self inflicted misery!


When one lives the lavish life,
Surrounded with comfort and joy,

Days come and go
And they are snugged in comfort and warmth.

And they may never ask,
What’s the point in this or that.

When we sleep we dream.
Wealthy engulfed in feathers and those curled up on the bare rock.

The dreams are reminders:
“We are not forgotten and not left alone.”

The comfortable ones usually disregard,
Though the message is there if you are bright!

When the pain knocks on the door,
Sees him as a messenger with gifts and not a vengeance angel.

It carries a sack full of fortunes,
A chance for a change, an opportunity to see.

When pain occurs,
Love is trembled.

Untested love is only words,
No depth in it nor strength.

A love of comfort, it goes away,
A true love but, stays along!

We’ve all been given The Love.
We’ll all have the chance to rise.

Siddhartha took the chance,
Became Buddha, the light himself.

So is Christ. Who raised to God.
So is Rumi. Who saw the light and soared above.

But not everyone is Buddha,
Not all, embrace the love and thrive.

When one is shown The Love but he still is not certain,
That uncertainty is worse than ignorance.


[email protected]