The Triangle of Wisdom

The Triangle of Wisdom

I am the reason for my own misery.
We are the product of our decisions.
Patience, resourcefulness and having vision( perspective ) about life are the qualities every young person with a dream of fulfilment has to obtain. These are the elements of wisdom. But who knows a wise child?

Lack of those qualities, the lack of patience, being reckless and the lack of vision destined in sorrow.

Life is a barrel of our ancestral great wine.
At the early youth when we learn independence and the pleasure of making decisions, it is when we fill up our glass and enjoy the wine, but when time has passed by and you have been wasting your wine on binging; at the time of need, in the middle of the way, you realise you only have to deal with the sediments and sludge.

God is kind and fair but we need to learn to take responsibility for our own decisions and actions.
Free will and having options are our privileges and also our damnation. We must choose and we also have to pay the price.

However, reaching to the bottom of the barrel doesn’t mean the end! God is forgiving and giving a second chance is his grace.

When we demonstrate that the wisdom has been earned and our heart is full of remorse and not pride is when we may become the recipient of the second chance.



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