A Symphony Composed By a Butterfly and I

A Symphony Composed By a Butterfly and I

What’s your agenda?
Everyone has one.
The wild life of survival.
One is after the good genes.
Most are looking for fortune.
Some only want to have fun.
Whilst in the world of friendly wolves and vulgar jackals,
Colourful snakes and sophisticated eagles,
There still is a butterfly chasing the rainbow.
Free spirited and  lightsome with the shades of nirvana.

My finger is pointing towards you, for a day of promise. For the moment you land there and transform me with your touch to a free spirited butterfly. Together, we fly to the colourful crescent around the vapour of the waterfall of pure love that comes from eternity, I take a sip and with my burning lips craving for yours, hold a drop and give it to you. Behind the waterfall there is a little hallway. The droplets of life turns us to whatever we want to be, I want to be your king and make you my queen, I hold your hands and direct you through the narrow opening behind the fall, there is a little gate, your name is on it, once you open it, you’ll see yourself in the palace built in my heart. Located in a rose garden free of any beasts, and free of any agenda.
The only agenda is love, not a possessive love but freeing love.

So many lips I kissed
So many bodies I embraced
But none made my heart race.
In a world full of agendas, I’ve stopped trying. You are holding the key to the palace. You will appear in my darkest night, my candle is shrinking drop by drop, but you will find my light before it dies out, and you will help me cross the darkest wild. You will transform me, you will absolve me from being me.
Around our palace, you and I create a bottomless chalice, filled with love, once my lips touch that, I scorch for more, next to the river of everlasting joy, where we make love. Our children of wisdom, integrity and truth are conceived and they will bring a rise to the ruined kingdom of the world of the broken man.

You are the reason I am in this world, to unlock my heart and to set me free.

I know the world is full of agendas, but I don’t care about the world when I know you are my transformative cog, that you will snug within the uneven edges of my soul and together, with the frictions of cogs and wheels, we make a massive fire, burn and clean all the agendas in this world.

Every sunset every dawn, I stand on the hill, when the breeze comes I can feel your ecstatic scent. The wind tells me of your hard journey to become that amazing butterfly. But I tell you this, I have done my share of crawling, I have been a blind worm, struggling in the mud until I saw the reflection of light on the little puddle after the rain. That’s when I saw you for the first time. It wasn’t you but a promise of you.
And since then I have stopped trying. I have stopped struggling. Because I know you’ll come.

I am wishing you a very safe journey.
Till then, anytime you look up and you see the moon, she will tell you about my tears of joy, when I dream of you. I am not sad but content. I know you are there. And you will arrive when you are ready, to set me free of me being me. The bottomless chalice represents us, not me nor you, but us, to drink the never ending wine of life, with no hangover and not getting drunk. That is the pure joy of life. The moment of completion. The time of transition. That’s when our symphony is complete and He will be smiling.
Till then I practice patience.


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