Existence 6- Death is Purifying

6- Death is Purifying

Death is a gift, a purifying gift.
No funeral or mourning required but a celebration.
To be sad at the departure of the loved ones, is for selfish reasons only.
Otherwise for the wise,  leaving the hefty vessel behind and becoming weightless and dimensionless is utterly joyous and a gateway to festivity and not sorrow.

Death is shedding the unnecessary shrouds and getting to the pure form of our existence, The Origin: Light and Vibration.

Our life is similar to the story of unborn music.
The music is trapped in the mind of a composer. The composer writes down the music and gives them to the skillful musicians, each musician has its own part, and once the whole orchestra starts playing, music is set free.

Our body is like the MIND of a composer.

When death happens, life regresses* to its purest form, like the free notes in the air.

When death arrives, the body is given to the earth to be consumed or handed to the flame to be reduced to the ashes and smoke.

In either way, the ultimate product is the same.
Organs decay and cells are decomposed to the molecules and molecules break down to atoms. And atoms ascend to their Origin: light and Vibration, the free dancing notes.


Evidently all these levels of existence from atoms to the body, are only an illusion built on our Origin to help us to understand our tasks – consciousness is a precious gem but could be a heavy burden too.

Our tasks as humans in the presence of consciousness are very different compared to the rest of other creatures. We are here to modify our original vibration,  because God- the absolute existence, the Origin- loves music, He is music**. Some can  modify their original vibration throughout the life journey perhaps to a nice music and some turn it to something not really pleasant.

And only a handful may reach the purest form of consciousness while they are still alive. For them their body is not their burden anymore, it integrates with their other levels of existence and all their organs, cells and atoms dance to their final tune. While only a few understand  their tasks, the rest of us only play as an extra, if not antagonists in the journey of progress and development.


When the time comes, it means we have already given our best shot for all the given tasks. The journey has been completed regardless of the achievements and the shortcomings and the lessons have been learnt.

Although the journey doesn’t end here. The music will keep playing. The existence never ends.

Next stage..

What has been planned for us after, it’s based on how we played our turn while we had our chance.

On the next  STAGE of life,  we may play a part in a breathtaking symphony or become a flat lingering note out of an untuned instrument. Or maybe it will be decided the consciousness is too much for us and the privilege will be removed.

I am pretty sure we are all somehow aware of what we are and what we’ll become.

Why should we stop or give up to find our best tune while we still have our chance?

Forget the destiny, we all have the chance. Nothing is predetermined, but of course there are rules and limitations. Find your tune and be harmonious with yourself and surroundings- being Good means harmony.

And for me…

My purifying melody, my inspiration , is when I hear your heart, and dance to the fragrance of your scent. Till then I write short sonatas, to preserve the tune of my heart for you to know that I always knew you come.



On the ferry, from Abbotsford to the opera house
To see  Mendelsohn’s violin concerto.

Edited on the way back from the concert, on the ferry from Circular Quay to Abbotsford.

* Why regress and not progress? Because the body decomposes to its origin. It is a progress in a regressive way. When we are light and Vibration, we are timeless and dimensionless but comprehension of our existence is not possible for us until we develop. In the form of a body we have limitations, we see within meters and Kilometer but that allows us to gradually understand and evolve.

**I wasn’t saying all musicians are heavenly, music is the representation of harmony, a butcher in harmony with his killed is more heavenly than a musician who is only a skilled music player and does anything for money. Infact we live in the era of noise and not music.