He Doesn’t Babysit and He Is Not Your Pimp.

He Doesn’t Babysit and He Is Not Your Pimp.

/\ I see you everyday, I can feel you, but then again I ask myself where are you? I want to lose myself in your arms and be found in your eyes. Your eyes are like a rabbit hole to your heart, the other side of the universe, where nothing disturbs our serenity, but then again I ask myself why can’t I feel you?
Your scent is charming, lifts up my soul and takes me for a flight and your voice is water on my burning heart then again I ask myself, why  can’t I hear you?

– Hey son let me tell you something:
Don’t bother about someone or anyone because the one you are longing for, is not on social media or online datings. She is kind, caring and appreciative of the values of mankind. She is not stupid and she doesn’t fall for propaganda, she is not religious nor atheist, she is full of comprehension.
She loves art, sport and technology, she is creative and she admires you for who you are, because she can see through you and together you will build a house full of love, it will be the house God would say: “That’s how I would make my house if I was down there.”

You are looking for a relationship. A sustainable relationship is like a cruise ship, is sturdy, reliable and stable, might not be as fast or as exciting as a speed boat but it will get you to your destination while the speedboat won’t go further than the harbour. So the person you want to make that relationship with, is not anyone or someone but the One. It must be.

/\ I know you are there, my goddess, I can feel you, I am just impatient.

I wanted to say with man-made systems, finding you has become harder, but then I realised you are not like anyone else. Humans have created complications but I am a purist, and you will be the lost part of my melody. You will arrive when the time is right, I am sure you do. And then again, it feels like I am begging for a miracle. Have I gone too far? Am I losing my logic and becoming superstitious? This doubt is killing me. I wish there was a sign. I wish I knew I have a sound mind. Sometimes I really don’t know. I don’t know if my philosophy is fantasy or truth based? Then again how can I doubt you when I see my being here is just because of you. I see the beauties around me and I can’t not- see them.
I saw that old woman in her street-bed. I wasn’t sure if she was old or the wrinkles were telling the story of misfortunes. I could feel her pain, I could see how she was clinging to her blanket as if it was her last saviour. She had this peculiar antique- like hairpin. Maybe it was a reminder of a past life? Passers were crossing as if she didn’t exist. And maybe that was her wish, not to be seen, and wanted a bit of privacy in the crowded street. Though I could see her in the spotlight while the whole stage became dark. She was on the stage of life telling me a story. I asked myself why she deserved to live like that? Why do we think it’s fair for her to suffer while  I just stuffed my face at an expensive restaurant as my bill was twice her weekly expenditure?
The spotlight shifted to the other side of the road and I saw a well dressed lady with the same antique -like hairpin who was in so much hurry.

– You got it son. Life is a transition. We are all the reflection of His image but then again, each of us has a part to play for ourselves as well as the others’ learnings. This learning is so important to accomplish our journey, unfortunately a lot of us miss the boat.

Man dreams, plans and builds. He enables us. Birds plan and build a nest too. And He enables them too, but there is a big difference between Man and a bird. The bird doesn’t have a choice not to build the nest and Man does. We all have a chance to decide in every moment of our life and of course ” we are the product of our decisions.”He doesn’t babysit.

/\ If He doesn’t babysit, how can I be sure I’ll meet her? What if I have to play all the man-made systems, games and tricks?

– With playing those systems, you would like to be in charge while that is not going to happen. You only may find someone to have fun with, riding on the speed boat, a distraction, and if that’s what you want, yes, go for it, He is not your pimp, you have to do it for yourself. But the one you described, is the Goddess of becoming! The only way you meet her is if you reach there too. Till then you have a lot of planning to do and a lot of decisions to make. Plan and implement actions. The time will come.


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