Existence 5- Immortal


When I die..

When I die no-one notices I have gone.
Congratulations! We have created a human version of a cattle farm.

In life I’ve done a bit of this, a bit of that
Then I asked myself what for?
Before, I wanted to do anything for the price of love, then sadly, I discovered love is not something to get from outside.

So, every moment, I write my name on a sandy beach, and it is washed away with ebbs of life and I do it again under the name of love and that’s how I know I will be remembered.  That’s the address to my permanent monument. Though, I don’t even know what my name is . Something to be remembered or something to be defined?

We do things to prove ourselves, and that’s our drive. I parked that car on the top floor of an isolated carpark and threw the key away.

I am tired of man’s boring games. And I don’t have anyone to play with hence I decided to retire myself untimely.
And then I realised I haven’t been a big loss. No-one even noticed I was there one day.

To be remembered! Lest we forget! That’s how we create fantasy! Heros vs demons, the goddesses with superpowers, the Utopia! While living varies from the myth! Every breath has its own story and that’s what I call Life. you only have to live it to learn it and worries about the remembrance makes you forget the value of now. Whilst living, there is no time for regrets nor a void to fill up with despair.

When I go, the world won’t stop, and this is again a childish sentiment. I am already gone and ultimately I won’t go anywhere! This is man’s wicked desire to be remembered, because we are scared. That’s why we created the worship, because our wicked understanding of God is based on fear. Because those created God, assumed God also wants to be remembered. So we have to worship him all the time. What a stupid reasoning! What a broken logic!

And what a childish poem. Full of self-pity!
I am already gone! I don’t want to score the highest in these games. I don’t want to make a record. I want to become invisible.

Life is very resourceful. But self-centred  humans ( most of us) aren’t. 
God has created a system, a perfect system and nothing is wrong with that system.
The problem occurs, our problems occur when man-made systems are not in harmony with nature. We create systems based on selfishness and serving individuals, some individuals, and they create complexities. Majority of us are only playing. We are running in the maze and we are so pleased with the breathtaking games.
But if you realise  a manmade system around you doesn’t work for you, firstly you need to stop playing. And if that is not what you want, you have to move out and find another system, maybe a system closer to nature or closer to your needs.

And for me…

I am not afraid nor lonely.
I am the last man standing on the island of wisdom. And that’s my CHOICE.

I am the creator, the composer, the artist and the healer. My companions are birds,  worms and angels and my home is beyond your imagination, where no earthquake can shake it and no fire can burn it. My playground is above the clouds and wind is my vessel. I don’t need to be on-time, because I am that moment, the past, the present and the future. You never need to remember me. Because I am. 


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