Existence 3- Levels of Knowledge

3- Levels of knowledge

Despite consciousness being a gift to mankind, knowledge must be earned.

Without consciousness, knowledge can’t be perceived. But finding knowledge requires thirst and curiosity. It requires asking questions. The right questions are those that generate a sequence of new questions. 

Knowledge has to bring peace and not fear.

I suggest  three levels for knowledge: perceptual knowledge, learned knowledge and pure knowledge which only pure knowledge leads to wisdom.

Perceptual knowledge is not better than imagination. One thinks they know something while it is only a fantasy! They hear something from someone or somewhere or see something on TV or read it on social media and consider it as knowledge. This is the root of propaganda and the biggest trap for mankind’s consciousness! 

This sort of knowledge is the root of misery and that’s where they say ” ignorance is bliss“.

I say : If knowledge prompts sadness is not knowledge but that is ignorance itself! Knowing partially is not better than ignorance either.

Then there is learned knowledge which leads to learned skills. This knowledge might lead to pure knowledge if we use it purposefully, but also can be only a tool in the toolbox.

Not to mention, learning skills requires practice and discipline. Birds build a nest, skillfully, fly or swim without any training but they have the instructions embedded in their genes, but for humans and with the gift ( for some could be a curse ) of consciousness, everything is a choice. Learning is a choice and it doesn’t happen without practice and discipline. And not a lot of people put enough effort into it. Knowing something is very different from mastering it.  Learned knowledge comes from practice and discipline. Of course, there are unlimited skills to learn and we certainly don’t have enough time to learn or master them all. To be truly observant throughout the journey of life and choose what to learn requires wisdom, that’s where the journey becomes a path towards pure knowledge.

Pure knowledge comes from seeing, from being available and open. It is not only the brain but also the heart, it is not only logic but also feelings. It brings peace and comfort and removes doubts and fears. 

You become a tree and dance with the wind and not a wall to block it.
You become an ocean which lets the water flow and the rivers emerge and not a dam to hold the water.

Pure knowledge is a way to wisdom and not the wisdom itself.

Pure knowledge reveals there is nothing to fear and wisdom tells you there still are differences, different powers and different sources. Different colours and different shades though eventually are all the same. But a skillful painter needs colours to reveal the masterpiece- a blank canvas under the sunlight ( the source of all colours and shades) wouldn’t do that without the skillful brushes of the mastermind.

Pure knowledge tells us there is a destination but only wisdom can take us there.

And reaching the destination won’t become possible without actions. Knowledge without actions is like scrambled words with no meanings.

Knowledge and actions are like oxygen and fuel, both are required to make fire. To either create warmth, transfer energy or to burn and destroy.
And that will be the conscious-based living which is another story.



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