The Religion of Scientifically Sound

The Religion of Scientifically Sound!

Suffering to stop suffering!
Denial of beauties to become beautiful.
Losing every belongings to become strong.

Whilst the real strength appears when:
In power showing mercy,
In anger holding back,
In craving walking away,
In sickness being cheerful
In hardship being graceful.

The amount of suffering Buddhist monks expose themselves to reach the ultimate independence from needs, is more than the average suffering a normal person experiences throughout their lifetime!
Renouncement is a painful process with craving and relapse ( if they don’t tell you it doesn’t  mean it doesn’t happen) which causes even more pain and guilt!
They reduce their threshold of joy, so when they lie down on the hard floor it will be a pleasant rest.
They eat one meal a day and when they have it, they will be joyous.

I think they have got it wrong!
And also disappointed to see some scientists call it a scientifically sound religion.

The initial threshold for joy is something we are born with, but life experiences change that threshold.
Suffering may reduce the threshold and excessive indulgence increases it.

In my point of view, moderation is the only way of sustainable joy and harmony.
We do certain things for joy, even the spiritual joys are still joy and activate the reward mechanism in the brain.
So why not enjoy the gifts around us with gratitude and without greed?
In my understanding, greed is the main root of misery in satisfying desires.

With being balanced, we don’t need to suffer extensively. Though if we don’t live the life of moderation and experience excessive indulgence, sometimes we need to cleanse to balance our neurotransmitters and the chemicals responsible for joy. To bring balance to the mechanic of pleasure. But the process of cleansing is different with renouncement for life.

Pain is important for our development.
Losing loved ones and the process of mourning is important. Grief is a mechanism for appreciation of happiness.
Renouncement is naive and it is a  primitive practice.
I think the reason different religions practice renouncement is because of fear.

Fear of Pain. Pain of losing their favourite doll. Although they never had a doll. 

They try to avoid pain by giving themselves massive amounts of pain initially!
Blinding their eyes to not-see other beauties, because they only want to see the beauty of their loved ones only! 

How weak! How naive! How primitive!

Any religion, deity or philosophy with the doctrine of permanent suffering for the exchange of heaven, paradise or nirvana etc is only a highway to eternal damnation!


Your heart and your mind are your sanctuary. Don’t let every stranger- even only their names- inside your garden.
When you open the gates, you allow them to walk into your world, and some of them earn their power in that way. When they walk in they try to take control or manipulate your mind.

And be aware, happiness, freedom and love bring power and they are all in the palm of your hand. You just need to recognise them ( AWARENESS) .

If you have looked* and you couldn’t find them, with suffering or without, they are not for you. If that’s the case, face the reality! Rather than being a miserable dreamer be a happy servant- a follower with contentment! In the absence  of awareness and the abundance of ignorance, drop the mask of being a master and be a loyal slave, as the good book said: “Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart”You may instead find peace in there, as again they say: “Ignorance is bliss.”**



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*As I said before ” Your eyes are beautiful when they see”. 

**Majority of us are there. Let us be. And stop pretending/ struggling.