You can’t start your marketing from the moment you hit the Publish button. You need to prepare well in advance. Here are five key tasks to complete
A community and information hub for writers
You can’t start your marketing from the moment you hit the Publish button. You need to prepare well in advance. Here are five key tasks to complete
The beauty of writing and the whole messy, vulnerable, seeing-the-world-from-your-guts place where the act of writing deposits you.
The holy grail for any author is to get a large number of Verified reviews on Amazon. Here are six ways to get reviews
Many organisations offer grants for new writers. A Writers Grant info evening was recently held at NSW Writers Centre – here are the details.
Peter Stankovic is a Sydney-based writer who has self-published several contemporary thrillers. He shares his experience with self-publishing.
Just a few years ago, there was still a huge stigma with self-publishing. The general view was that no traditional publisher – and in particular the Big Publishers – would ever touch an author who had gone the DIY route. How times change.
To be read you need to be published. And there’s the rub. Here’s what happened when one writer contacted Xlibris, one the largest and most global of the self-publishing organisations.
Self-publishing is nothing new – authors including Jane Austen, Martin Luther, Marcel Proust and Virginia Woolf have all done it – but the internet makes it a lot easier.