Maybe The Answer Is In Proteins! Maybe Not!

Maybe The Answer Is in Proteins! Maybe Not!

Trust is the key!

Trust vs uncertainties!

Uncertainties come from fears.

Fears are important for survival.

Why is survival important when death and predators are inevitable?

What are we? Machines to do some tasks for a certain time? Why do we need to have predators? Because the system is self sufficient? Or to bring some excitement to the system? Maybe the presence of death and predators are both assuring the sustainability of the system.

We are all designed to serve some tasks, with our instincts or let’s say our brain. Every breath counts. Each breath we take, activates lots of mechanisms in this universe. There are cycles in the system, for instance the cycle of nitrogen, the cycle of water , the cycle of carbon.
So it doesn’t matter how long we stay, we serve the system.

Proteins are the smartest molecules.
I guess the more advanced we become, the more advanced proteins we produce.

And the corresponding genes form in the double helix to confirm the survival of the proteins? Maybe God is in proteins?

What was human before the speech?
What was human before the religion?
What was the concept of art, love, happiness, peace and liberty at that time?

Perhaps the new proteins have been developing by human advancements, though the accumulation of those advanced proteins are poisonous, because god is the most advanced one and he made sure we won’t reach there?  That’s why there are limitations?

If predators and death are there to assure the sustainability of the system, therefore, the notion of survival is nonsense!

Do other creatures also recognise beauties?

Faith and trust are hands in hand. Maybe trust is the marketing strategy of faith? But why?

Maybe we, I , see those things we want to see and not what is actually happening
And that’s why we create hope, religion and faith; though, ultimately we are nothing but some serving creatures to the universe, with our ignorance or cleverness, with our tyranny or art, we all shit and produce fertiliser to the plant of life!


We feel, we sense. When we see beautiful moments or scenes our heart trembles.
We create art and technology. It’s correct that we replicate what we see , but we still have the capability of solving problems.

We sense consciousness, though we can’t quantify it yet, we all, as human beings, have sensed it somehow in our life.

We create art and music, and we think! Despite any level of development, we all think!

We can create complex sounds and transcribe music while anywhere in the world, other musicians can produce the same voice or music.

Our languages are more melodic and the words are able to describe beauties, emotions, complexities, literature, and most people of those languages can comprehend the message!

Maybe that is when the religions came along! Adam and Eve! We have reached a certain level of advancement. The proteins evolved to a certain level, where the creator could communicate with its creation!
I don’t think any other creatures are able to meditate!

The discovery of meditation and Tai chi, are phenomenal!

We explore the existence in different levels, we inspect different compartments in our body, it’s not about how good we are in biology, anatomy or physiology, it’s about observing our heart with our eyes closed. Seeing with other tools than eyes.

And they are not all just the beautiful things, we also create weapons, mass murder gadgets, viruses, device to control and torture. We invented tax, slavery, execution and the most horrible one was the crucifixion! The global planning and the control during COVID was ugly but unique! I don’t think any of the historical tyrants ever reached that level of control as WHO and pharmaceutical companies viciously enforced their tasks through the governments by creating fear and brainwashing the mass to implement what they wanted! The power of google in control and brainwashing has never been achieved in mankind’s history!

But, we think! We all take a moment to contemplate, despite we are an asshole or an angel!

The feel of joy, love, serenity and completion is real.

Proteins are involved for sure, but, there are many amazing things in life that are beyond comprehension or reasoning.

I rather stick to the more positive side of the unknowns. And that’s how religions win.
I rather see the presence of God and his mysterious way of doing than relying on my logic and randomness.

I still think, despite the powerful presence of proteins or the role of God and us as his reflection, learning is the key to happiness.
And certainty is the key for our peace and freedom.

There is no reason for uncertainty! Unknowns are more significant than the known ones, and death is destiny.

I rather live my life to the fullest extent, with love and joy and surround myself with beautiful  moments and thoughts and fulfill my thirst for learning by observing, exploring and adjust my soul with the universal consciousness, with the wisdom of God, then, whenever the angle of death comes for a visit, I’ll open my arms with joy. I am surrender and ready!
