2RPH Radio Program: New Voices is going from strength to strength, proving a great showcase and promotional opportunity for new writers.
A community and information hub for writers
2RPH Radio Program: New Voices is going from strength to strength, proving a great showcase and promotional opportunity for new writers.
If you haven’t used Scrivener (or special writing software – see our list here) and you’re still writing your novel in Word or Google Docs, you’re missing out.
Serialisation – publishing novels (or other works) in instalments – is not a new idea, but the internet gives us many new ways to do it.
The first SelfPub Aus MeetUp – held over Zoom due to the COVID crisis – had a great group of writers and generated a wealth of ideas.
There are two kind of writer’s block which need to be tackled with different strategies. Let’s look at each kind, and how to try to fix them.
The inaugural SelfPubAus (virtual) MeetUp will take place this Friday 10 April at 5pm-6pm Sydney time/AEST
The first episode of the new 2RPH Radio Program New Voices, which interviews new writers from all walks of life, is being broadcast on Monday 6 April at 5.30pm for the first time
As we live through a strange and uncertain time, many of us will be expressing our struggles and emotions through writing. Part of a series on Surviving Shutdown for writers.
Audiobooks have been described as a “rising star” of the publishing industry, with sales surging. These are some tips to make your writing more audiobook-ready:
Editing the Editor, or, more importantly, what Dave’s Fishing Column taught me about editing. Dave the fisher, from a small town on the far north coast of NSW taught me more about editing than anything else could. I have been in the writing industry most of my adult life. I have traded it for cash,…